What It Is:Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. There are two major forms of vitamin D D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Both vitamin D2 and D3 and appear to be absorbed with equal efficiency and, at moderate doses, are equally able to raise levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D the hormonally active form of vitamin D and a clinical measure of vitamin D status. However, at very high doses, D3, may be more efficient at raising 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.
Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is made by the conversion of a sterol found in plants and yeast. Vitamin D2 is used in some dietary supplements.Vitamin D3 is produced naturally in human skin exposed to ultraviolet B light and occurs in some animal products, such as cod liver oil, and, in smaller amounts, in other fatty fish such as herrings, mackerel, sardines, and tuna. Vitamin D3 is the most common form used in dietary supplements and is the form generally used to fortify foods such as milk (which naturally contains a small amount of vitamin D3). Vitamin D3 is made by the conversion of cholesterol compounds, such as 7-dehydroxycholesterol from lanolin found in sheep's wool.
See ConsumerTips for more information about the two forms of vitamin D and dosing.
(See separate reviews of Calcium and Vitamin K, which are also used in bone health).
What It Does:
(See separate reviews of Calcium and Vitamin K, which are also used in bone health).
What It Does:
Vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body, partly by controlling their levels of absorption. Vitamin D treats and prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia (bone softening) in adults. Given to breast-fed infants, vitamin D may help increase bone density.
Taken with calcium, vitamin D can help decrease post-menopausal bone loss and prevent osteoporosis (loss of bone density), as well as improve tooth retention in the elderly. In girls ages 9 to 13, regular supplementation with calcium and vitamin D has been shown to significantly increase bone density and bone strength (measured in arms and legs) compared to placebo (Greene, Osteoporosis Int 2011).Other effects:
Taken with calcium, vitamin D can help decrease post-menopausal bone loss and prevent osteoporosis (loss of bone density), as well as improve tooth retention in the elderly. In girls ages 9 to 13, regular supplementation with calcium and vitamin D has been shown to significantly increase bone density and bone strength (measured in arms and legs) compared to placebo (Greene, Osteoporosis Int 2011).Other effects:
A study found that older women (69 years and older) whose vitamin D levels were not between 20 and 29.9 ng/mL had a greater risk of being frail.18 Frail individuals were those experiencing at least three of the following criteria: weight loss, weakness, exhaustion, slowness, and low physical activity. The risk of frailty was increased by 47% among those with vitamin D levels below 15 ng/mL, 24% among those with levels below 20 ng/mL, and 32% among those with levels above 29.9 ng/mL. An average of 4.5 years after these measurements were made, those originally not frail but whose blood levels had been below 20 ng/mL were 21% more likely to have become frail or died. These findings correspond with the 2010 report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) indicating that 20 ng/mL is a sufficient level for vitamin D and that levels above 30 ng/mL may be associated with certain risks.17
Research has found that men with low levels of vitamin D in the blood (15 ng/mL and lower) were at increased risk for heart attack compared to those with levels at 30 ng/mL and higher, even after adjusting for other risk factors and physical activity. This may contribute to the higher rate of cardiovascular mortality among black Americans compared to white Americans, as blacks tend to have lower vitamin D levels.1 More recently, an analysis of two large studies showed that men who consumed 600 IU or more per day of vitamin D from foods and supplements were 16% less likely to have cardiovascular disease and stroke over a period of approximately 20 years compared to men consuming less than 100 IU per day. The same association was not seen among women; the reason for this is unclear but one possible explanation given is that women may need higher intake of vitamin D because they tend to have a higher percentage of body fat than men and vitamin D is fat soluble. In addition, vitamin D intake during the study period, which ended in 2006, may have been too low to produce meaningful differences.21 A large trial giving 2,000 IU per day as a supplement is underway and may yield additional insights (principal investigator is J.E. Manson).
Possibly shedding light on vitamin D’s cardiovascular effects is a study of of overweight and obese premenopausal women which found that daily supplementation for 12 weeks with 1,000 IU vitamin D3 increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol by 7%. However, total cholesterol increased 1.7% and there was also a 4% increase in LDL (“bad”) cholesterol – although it contained less ApoB, suggesting less plaque-forming ability. Interestingly, body fat decreased by 9.6% (about 6 lbs), although total body weight was unchanged.31
Raising low levels of vitamin D may also reduce inflammation in the body. In a study of blood from thousands of adult Americans, levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation, decreased as vitamin D levels increased to just below 21 ng/mL28 However, there was no further benefit when vitamin D levels reached and exceeded 21 ng/mL. In fact, after adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors, it was found that CRP levels slowly but progressively increasedat that point, suggesting a slight inflammatory action of vitamin D at these higher levels. The results seem to reinforce the importance of maintaining a plasma vitamin D level of at least 20 ng/mL and suggest some potential downside of higher levels of vitamin D. A small study of women with primary dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramping) found that giving those with vitamin D levels less than 45 ng/mL a single high dose (300,000 IU) of vitamin D3 reduced pain by 41% during the next two menstrual periods. None of the women who received vitamin D needed anti-inflammatory medicine to manage menstrual pain during the two months, whereas 40% of those taking placebo used it at least once.29 A concern, however, is that high dose vitamin D has been shown to increased the risk of falls and fractures – at least in the elderly (as noted above) and the dose given works out to 5,000 IU vitamin D per day, more than the tolerable upper intake level of 4,000 IU per day (see Concerns and Cautions).
Lower levels are also associated with a higher risk and severity of depression. A study in Italy, for example, showed that older women with low vitamin D levels (below 20 ng/mL) were twice as likely to develop depressive mood as those with higher levels. Older men with low levels were 60% more likely to develop depressive mood.9 Data from the same study showed that those who were severely vitamin D deficient (below 10 ng/mL) were approximately 60% more likely than those with vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL to experience substantial cognitive decline, although there was no such association attention level.13 In a separate study lasting 3 years, the risk of depression was found to be 21% lower among women (aged 50 to 79) who reported total daily vitamin D intake (from foods and supplements) of at least 800 IU compared to women with intake of less than 100 IU. Excluding women with evidence of depression at the beginning of the study, a 20% lower risk of depression was seen with intake of just 400 IU or more per day. However, further analyses showed no reduction in the risk of depression resulting from vitamin D supplements alone. The reductions were only associated with higher vitamin D intake from foods.24
A study from Finland suggested that high vitamin D status provides protection against Parkinson's disease. People with the highest vitamin D levels (above 20 ng/mL) had a 65% lower risk of developing Parkinson disease than those with the lowest vitamin D levels (below 10 ng/mL). A limitation of the study was that none of the groups had sufficient vitamin D levels (due to limited sun exposure in Finland).14 It is possible that greater risk reduction would have been observed in people with sufficient vitamin D levels.
Research has found that men with low levels of vitamin D in the blood (15 ng/mL and lower) were at increased risk for heart attack compared to those with levels at 30 ng/mL and higher, even after adjusting for other risk factors and physical activity. This may contribute to the higher rate of cardiovascular mortality among black Americans compared to white Americans, as blacks tend to have lower vitamin D levels.1 More recently, an analysis of two large studies showed that men who consumed 600 IU or more per day of vitamin D from foods and supplements were 16% less likely to have cardiovascular disease and stroke over a period of approximately 20 years compared to men consuming less than 100 IU per day. The same association was not seen among women; the reason for this is unclear but one possible explanation given is that women may need higher intake of vitamin D because they tend to have a higher percentage of body fat than men and vitamin D is fat soluble. In addition, vitamin D intake during the study period, which ended in 2006, may have been too low to produce meaningful differences.21 A large trial giving 2,000 IU per day as a supplement is underway and may yield additional insights (principal investigator is J.E. Manson).
Possibly shedding light on vitamin D’s cardiovascular effects is a study of of overweight and obese premenopausal women which found that daily supplementation for 12 weeks with 1,000 IU vitamin D3 increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol by 7%. However, total cholesterol increased 1.7% and there was also a 4% increase in LDL (“bad”) cholesterol – although it contained less ApoB, suggesting less plaque-forming ability. Interestingly, body fat decreased by 9.6% (about 6 lbs), although total body weight was unchanged.31
Raising low levels of vitamin D may also reduce inflammation in the body. In a study of blood from thousands of adult Americans, levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation, decreased as vitamin D levels increased to just below 21 ng/mL28 However, there was no further benefit when vitamin D levels reached and exceeded 21 ng/mL. In fact, after adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors, it was found that CRP levels slowly but progressively increasedat that point, suggesting a slight inflammatory action of vitamin D at these higher levels. The results seem to reinforce the importance of maintaining a plasma vitamin D level of at least 20 ng/mL and suggest some potential downside of higher levels of vitamin D.
Lower levels are also associated with a higher risk and severity of depression. A study in Italy, for example, showed that older women with low vitamin D levels (below 20 ng/mL) were twice as likely to develop depressive mood as those with higher levels. Older men with low levels were 60% more likely to develop depressive mood.9 Data from the same study showed that those who were severely vitamin D deficient (below 10 ng/mL) were approximately 60% more likely than those with vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL to experience substantial cognitive decline, although there was no such association attention level.13 In a separate study lasting 3 years, the risk of depression was found to be 21% lower among women (aged 50 to 79) who reported total daily vitamin D intake (from foods and supplements) of at least 800 IU compared to women with intake of less than 100 IU. Excluding women with evidence of depression at the beginning of the study, a 20% lower risk of depression was seen with intake of just 400 IU or more per day. However, further analyses showed no reduction in the risk of depression resulting from vitamin D supplements alone. The reductions were only associated with higher vitamin D intake from foods.24
A study from Finland suggested that high vitamin D status provides protection against Parkinson's disease. People with the highest vitamin D levels (above 20 ng/mL) had a 65% lower risk of developing Parkinson disease than those with the lowest vitamin D levels (below 10 ng/mL). A limitation of the study was that none of the groups had sufficient vitamin D levels (due to limited sun exposure in Finland).14 It is possible that greater risk reduction would have been observed in people with sufficient vitamin D levels.
Low levels of vitamin D are also associated with a higher risk in women of developing rheumatoid arthritis. There is conflicting evidence about whether vitamin D helps reduce the overall risk of dying from cancer, although studies have consistently shown that higher vitamin D serum levels were associated with decreased risk of death from gastrointestinal cancers.
A review of 13 studies found that vitamin D supplements (800 to 1,000 IU daily) may improve balance and muscle strength, but not gait, among older adults.30 Vitamin D may also improve balance and reduce the risk of falls in older adults, for reasons that aren't clear. However, a recent study in women aged 70 and older who were at-risk for bone fracture showed an increase in falls and fractures among those given an extremely high, single, annual dose (500,000 IU) of vitamin D310 This unexpected finding may have resulted from unusual effects of the extreme dose.11
A review of studies found that daily vitamin D intake over 500 IU decreased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 13% compared with intake of less than 200 IU. Similarly, individuals with vitamin D levels over 25 ng/mL had a 43% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those with levels under 14 ng/mL. However, vitamin D supplementation was not shown to effect glucose tolerance among people with established type 2 diabetes.23 There is preliminary evidence that giving vitamin D supplements to infants might decrease the risk of type 1 diabetes later in life.
Weak evidence hints that if women avoid vitamin D deficiency it might reduce their risk of multiple sclerosis.
A study in post-menopausal women showed 400 IU of vitamin D3 and 1,000 mg of calcium daily were less likely to gain small to moderate amounts of weight compared to women taking placebo.
Researchers in Japan studied the effect of vitamin D3 supplements (1,200 IU per day from December through March) on the incidence of seasonal influenza A in school children. Influenza A infection occurred in 18.6% of children in a placebo group versus 10.8% of children who received the supplement a 42% reduction in risk among those taking the supplement. The reduction was more prominent among children who had not been taking other vitamin D supplements. Influenza infection was not reduced among a subgroup of asthmatic children but those who became infected were significantly less likely to have an asthmatic attack if they received vitamin D than if they had not. Supplementation did not affect the incidence of influenza B (which is less common than influenza A and is not seasonal).14
A review of medical studies published from 1950 to 2009 that looked at, among other variables, vitamin D intake and asthma, suggested that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to airway inflammation, decreased lung function and poor asthma control. The researchers conducting the review hypothesized that vitamin D supplementation may lead to improved asthma control, although this cannot be established as many of the studies were not specifically designed to test the effects of vitamin D supplementation on patients with asthma.15
Higher serum vitamin D levels are associated with a reduced risk of allergy in children and adolescents. A review of data from a nationwide study of over 6,000 individuals showed that allergic sensitization was more common in those with serum vitamin D of less than 15 ng/mL compared to those with 30 ng/mL or greater for 11 out of 17 allergens. Results were adjusted for potentially confounding factors like time spent on indoor activities. The strongest associations were for allergy to oak (5 times the risk), peanut (2.4 times the risk), and ragweed (1.8 times the risk). There was also increased risk of allergy to dog, cockroach, mite, shrimp, ryegrass, Bermuda grass, birch and thistle. In adults, there was no consistent association between allergy and vitamin D levels.19
Laboratory studies suggest that vitamin D may inhibit pancreatic cancer cell growth and a review of five large epidemiologic studies concluded that higher levels of serum vitamin D were associated with a lower risk of developing pancreatic cancer.27 Compared to people whose serum vitamin D levels were less than 20 ng/mL, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer over the following 12 to 18 years was 25% lower among those with levels of 20 mg to 29 ng/mL, and 29% lower among those with levels above 30 ng/mL.
A review of medical studies published from 1950 to 2009 that looked at, among other variables, vitamin D intake and asthma, suggested that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to airway inflammation, decreased lung function and poor asthma control. The researchers conducting the review hypothesized that vitamin D supplementation may lead to improved asthma control, although this cannot be established as many of the studies were not specifically designed to test the effects of vitamin D supplementation on patients with asthma.15
Higher serum vitamin D levels are associated with a reduced risk of allergy in children and adolescents. A review of data from a nationwide study of over 6,000 individuals showed that allergic sensitization was more common in those with serum vitamin D of less than 15 ng/mL compared to those with 30 ng/mL or greater for 11 out of 17 allergens. Results were adjusted for potentially confounding factors like time spent on indoor activities. The strongest associations were for allergy to oak (5 times the risk), peanut (2.4 times the risk), and ragweed (1.8 times the risk). There was also increased risk of allergy to dog, cockroach, mite, shrimp, ryegrass, Bermuda grass, birch and thistle. In adults, there was no consistent association between allergy and vitamin D levels.19
Laboratory studies suggest that vitamin D may inhibit pancreatic cancer cell growth and a review of five large epidemiologic studies concluded that higher levels of serum vitamin D were associated with a lower risk of developing pancreatic cancer.27 Compared to people whose serum vitamin D levels were less than 20 ng/mL, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer over the following 12 to 18 years was 25% lower among those with levels of 20 mg to 29 ng/mL, and 29% lower among those with levels above 30 ng/mL.
1 Fiscella, et al, Vitamin D, Race, and Cardiovascular Mortality: Findings From a National US Sample, Annals of Family Medicine, 2010; 8:11-18.
2 Armas, et al, Vitamin D2 is Much Less Effective than Vitamin D3 in Humans, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2004; 89(1):5387-5391.
3 Trang, et al, Evidence that vitamin D3 increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D more efficiently than does vitamin D2, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998; 68:854-8.
4 Kumar, et al, Prevalence and Associations of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency in US Children: NHANES 2001-2004, Pediatrics, 2009; 124(3):362-370.
5 Holick, et al, Vitamin D2 is as Effective as Vitamin D3 in Maintaining Circulating Concentrations of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, March 2008, 93(3):677-681.
6 Hollis, B. W., Circulating 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels Indicative of Vitamin D Sufficiency: Implications for Establishing a New Effective Dietary Intake Recommendation for Vitamin D, J.
7 Biancuzzo, et al, Fortification of orange juice with vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 is as effective as an oral supplement in maintaining vitamin D status in adults, Am J Clin Nutr, April 28, 2010 (Epub ahead of print].
8 Vitamin D Consumer Fact Sheet, Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health, Updated: 3/5/2010.
9 Milaneschi, et al, Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Depressive Symptoms in Older Women and Men, J. Clin Endocrinol Metab, May, 5 2010 [Epub ahead of print].
10 Sanders, et al, Annual High-Dose Oral Vitamin D and Falls and Fractures in Older Women, JAMA. 2010;303(18):1815-1822.
10 Sanders, et al, Annual High-Dose Oral Vitamin D and Falls and Fractures in Older Women, JAMA. 2010;303(18):1815-1822.
11 Dawson-Hughes, et al, High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation: Too Much of a Good Thing? JAMA. 2010;303(18):1861-1862.
12 Terushkin, et al, Estimated equivalency of vitamin D production from natural sun exposure versus oral vitamin D supplementation across seasons at two US latitudes, J. Am Acad Dermatol 2010; 62(10), 929.e1-929.e9.
13 Llewellyn, et al, Vitamin D and Risk of Cognitive Decline in Elderly Persons, Arch Intern Med, July 12, 2010; 170(13):1135-1141.
14 Knekt, et al, Serum Vitamin D and the Risk of Parkinson Disease, Arch Neurol, July 2010; 67(7): 808-811.
15 Urashima, et al, Randomized Trial of Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent Seasonal Influenza A in Schoolchildren, Am J Clin Nutr 2010; 91(5):1255-60.
16 Sandu, et al, The Role of Vitamin D in Asthma, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2010; 105(3):191-199.
17 Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D (2010), Food and Nutrition Board, National Acadamies Press.
18 Ensrud, et al, Circulating 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and Frailty Status in Older Women, J. Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2010 95: 5266-5273.
19 Sharief, at al, Vitamin D levels and food and environmental allergies in the United States: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005 - 2006, J. Allergy Clin Immunol, 2011 Published online February 17, 2011.
20 Green, et al, Calcium and vitamin-D supplementation on bone structural properties in peripubertal female identical twins: a randomised controlled trial,Osteoporosis Int 2011; 22(2):489-981.
21 Sun et al, Vitamin D intake and risk of cardiovascular disease in US men and women, Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 June 8 [Epub ahead of print].
22 Wallace, et al, Urinary tract stone occurrence in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) randomized clinical trial of calcium and vitamin D supplements, Am J Clin Nutr 2011; 94: 5-6.
23 Mitri, et al, Vitamin D and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review, Eur J Clin Nutr, 2011, 1-11.
24 Bertone-Johnson, et al, Vitamin D intake from foods and supplements and depressive symptoms in a diverse population of older women, Am J Clin Nutr 2011 August 24 [Epub ahead of print].
25 Mulligan, Taking vitamin D with the largest meal improves absorption and results in higher serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitaminD, J Bone and Min Res 2010; 25(4): 928-930.
26 Belenchia, et al, Safety and efficacy of using high-dose (4,000 IU) vitamin D supplementation to improve the vitamin D status of obese adolescents, The FASEB Journal. 2011; 25:343.4., The FASEB Journal. 2011; 25:343.4
27 Wolpin, et al, Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Dec.7 [Epub ahead of print]
28 Amer, et al, Relation between serum 25-vitamin D and C-reactive protein in asymptomatic adults (from the continuous national health and nutrition examination survey 2001 to 2006), Am J Cardiol 2012 Jan.15 [Epub ahead of print], Am J Cardiol 2012 Jan.15[Epub ahead of print]
29 Lasco A, et al (2012). Improvement of Primary Dysmenorrhea Caused by a Single Oral Dose of Vitamin D: Results of a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Arch Intern Med. 172(4):366-7.
30 Muir SW, et al (2011). Effect of vitamin D supplementation on muscle strength, gait and balance in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Am Geriatr Soc. 59(12):2291-300.
31 Salehpour A, et al (2012). Vitamin D3 and the risk of CVD in overweight and obese women: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Nutr. Feb 9 2012 [Epub ahead of print]
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